Initiated in 2021, in a partnership between Origem Energia and Sebrae-BA, the project, initially a pilot, focuses on entrepreneurial education. In the initial phase, the communities of Conceição de Cima and Conceição Primeira in Alagoinhas, located in the inland regions of Bahia, both within the area of influence of  Tucano Sul Hub, were included.

In 2023, we began the second phase of the project by expanding entrepreneurial awareness and education to other communities. We also evaluated the technical and financial feasibility of proposals suggested by participants from the initial two communities in Alagoinhas, which offered various income alternatives. The expansion extended to the municipalities of Biritinga, Inhambupe and Sátiro Dias

The objectives of the project include:

  1.  Promoting entrepreneurship in communities within the municipalities covered by Polo Tucano Hub;
  2.  Strengthening the economy of community members and, by extention, the municipalities within the hub’s area of influence, and;
  3.  Contribute to the development of stronger, more competitive, and sustainable municipalities
  4.  Empower and promote the development of the local vocations in the region.

Origem Energia is transforming Bahia state